ActinocoreTM Products

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Small Business Pricing

Available to current or newly forming small businesses under 500 employees.

Small Biz Pricing

Education Pricing

Available to current, graduate students, post-docs, as well as faculty or staff.

Education Pricing

Erythronolide B (EB)

Erythronolide B, white crystalline needles. Molecular Weight 402.528 g/mol. CAS 3225-82-9. PubChem CID 441113. Product Datasheet. SDS, Catalog ID: 001

Packaging size

6-deoxyerythronolide B (6dEB)

6-deoxyerythronolide B, clear film. Molecular Weight 386.5 g/mol. CAS 15797-36-1. PubChem CID 121904. Product Datasheet. SDS, Catalog ID: 002

Packaging size

3-O-alpha-mycarosylerythronolide B (MEB)

Slightly yellow powder (some pigment contamination). Molecular Weight 546.7 g/mol. CAS novel. PubChem CID 121904. Product Datasheet. SDS, Catalog ID: 003

Packaging size

3-O-alpha-mycarosyl-6-deoxyerythronolide B (6dMEB)

White powder. Molecular Weight 530.7 g/mol. CAS novel. PubChem CID novel. Product Datasheet. SDS. Catalog ID: 004

Packaging size